
tisdag 8 maj 2018

EduGaming: Italy in May 2018 - with Zack Gilbert

Whoa, we made it happen - our good friend and the well known Mr. EdGamer himself, Zack Gilbert from Illinois USA joined us at our EU EduGaming project meeting in beautiful Trani, Italy! Zack has been using games in education for many, many years - having spread the wealth also through the YouTube EdGamer channel - so we are extremely lucky to have him joining us. This guy is basically inspiration in the most concentrated form imaginable, backed up by tons of experience. He is presently working at the Illinois State University 'lab' school, Thomas Metcalf School, that apparently offers a hugely creative environment for both teachers and students. 

We have quite a team on location here in Trani: six students both from Sweden and Portugal, all in all six guest teachers (including our principal Marcus) plus of course the large Italian team coached by our project coordinator Marilina Lonigro at Bovio Palumbo. The Swedish and Portuguese students are staying with their Italian families and it's heart warming to see how well the guest students from Sweden and Portugal are taken care of buy their Italian hosts. Generosity and big smiles are definitely the trade marks of the Puglia way of life!

Our week in Trani has barely just got started but it's already very obvious that this meeting will be a great success in many ways. The very Trani experience for all of us - and especially for the young students from Sweden and Portugal! - is something that will stay with us for a long, long time. Game on!  

2 kommentarer:

  1. Everything seems great;truly inspiring to read. The students will always remember this trip to Trani.

  2. Thank you for writing such a great article on such an outstanding teacher and person! Congratulations, Mr. Gilbert!
